Although the history of the smartphone only dates to 2007, it has had an immeasurable impact on all of our lives, from the way we communicate to the way we conduct business. Simple person-to-person dialogue has evolved into a fully interactive experience. Society in general has made the transition into the digital era never to return.
We complete a wide variety of everyday tasks from our phones, including trading futures. But is trading futures from a mobile device a good idea? Can a person engage the market efficiently via smartphone?
Traders are always looking for an edge in the marketplace. Identifying areas where your edge, not to mention profitability, may be compromised is a crucial exercise for anyone considering trading from a mobile device.
Perhaps the most obvious pitfall of mobile trading is an increase in “latency.” Simply put, latency is the amount of time it takes a “packet” of information to go from point A to point B.
“Trade-related latency” is the time necessary for trade execution, from mouse-click to fill at the exchange. In the futures market, anything that increases trade-related latency can cost money.
So, is it even possible to trade futures without adding undue latency via smartphone? When done properly, yes.
Futures trading can be a demanding, all-encompassing endeavor. Markets are capable of moving rapidly, requiring split-second decision-making and constant attentiveness. Although technology presents several unique challenges, personal psychology, and mindset are also circumstances that affect the mobile trader’s odds of success.
Here are a few suggestions that may help reduce the number of mistakes an aspiring mobile trader will make:
There’s no debating that modern mobile devices are technological marvels. The computing power of the average smartphone is more than 2.5 times that of the Cray-2 Supercomputer, which was used by NASA to simulate shuttle launches in the late 1980s. Such impressive functionality has made smartphones the benchmark for global connectivity. Mobile devices offer convenience and flexibility. When used properly, they can be an effective tool at the disposal of any futures trader.